The FATA Research Centre (FRC) is a private, non partisan and apolitical research organization based in Islamabad. It was established in 2009 with the aim to exclusively focus on the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA), and assist the concerned stakeholders on understanding the challenges and seek solutions on FATA related issues. However, given the multiplication of Pakistan’s internal challenges coupled with changing regional and global geopolitical realities, the FRC has broadened its scope of research to focus on the South and Central Asian region, with particular emphasis on Pakistan and Afghanistan.
We at the FRC discuss and disseminate knowledge related to issues of peace and conflict, terrorism and insurgency, internal and external dynamics of Pakistan and Afghanistan and Pakistan’s policy towards the region and the wider world. We act as a forum for policy makers, academia, development specialists and members of the civil society to create awareness pertaining to the above mentioned issues and suggest solutions and develop road-maps for bring peace, development and reconstruction of conflict zones like FATA, Balochistan and Afghanistan.
Our Mission
Located on the cross-road of West, South and Central Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan are at the center of international attention. Worsening security situation as a result of asymmetric threats has led to an increase in ungoverned spaces in the Af-Pak region, thereby making physical access difficult to these conflict ridden areas. The FRC aims to promote the cause of building its knowledge base on primary sources through field research and disseminate the same to relevant quarters for effective policy-making. Comprising of a team of experienced and dedicated analysts, the FRC thrives to promote peace and stability in Pakistan and the overall region through objective research, advocacy and capacity building.