Research and Analysis

The FRC methodology has been used in counter-radicalization Target Audience Analysis projects across Afghanistan and Pakistan. This work has led to the establishment of a regional network of local and experienced operators.

FRC has a proven track record of research and analysis across the AfPak region. In recent years, we have successfully delivered according to time, budget, OPSEC and other project constraints, a number of large-scale research and analysis projects across Afghanistan and Pakistan, including Helmand, Paktika, Kunduz, FATA, KP, AJK, Punjab, FANA and Balochistan.


Key Advantages of FRC

Established local network

FRC has a permanent office in Islamabad and a network of local researchers experienced at operating at the village, district and provincial level across Pakistan. Local researchers include investigative journalists, ex-NGO members, and academics all of whom have been trained in the FRC methodology, fieldwork and OPSEC protocols. Research teams are handpicked for their professionalism and local credibility, an essential requirement for operating securely and efficiently in this region.

Experienced Project Team

The FRC Project Team has worked on a number of extensive research and analysis projects across Pakistan in the last several years. Our project team consists of a research network of fully trained local researchers, overseen by a Country Team Manager and supported by an analysis team with years of experience in data collection and analysis in Pakistan. Even non-local members of the project team have resided in-country for extended periods of time and have firsthand experience and knowledge of the most cogent issues of the day such as security, development, economic growth, counter-insurgency, etc.

Global and regional past performance

The FRC has a proven track record in providing culturally sensitive research and analysis for operational planning. Partners include: German Foreign Office, DANIDA, NDI, UNDP, UNICEF, JICA, Federal Office of Immigration and Asylum Republic of Austria, Save the Children and Ministry of Interior Pakistan.

Methodology built on robust social science

The FRC methodology reflects a practical model and effective process for researching Target Audiences and delivering recommendations that best meet partner objectives. The FRC methodology is uniquely positioned to inform Influence and Strategic Communication Campaigns through its focus on behavioral change as well as attitudinal and informational change.

Holistic research approach

In order to ensure accuracy of data, the FRC corroborates its findings through as many primary and secondary sources as possible. The latest qualitative and quantitative insights from the field are contextualized through consultation with the wide FRC network of Subject Matter Experts, extensive public domain research and discussion with as many expert organizations (such as NGOs and government bodies) as possible.

Tailored and flexible approach

Our comprehensive portfolio of services and products can be mobilized immediately and are designed to respond to changes in partner requirements. The FRC always strives to deliver tailored solutions to partners and offers a range of tailored products and services to ensure that objectives are met efficiently and accurately. At ground level, the local offices in Islamabad and Peshawar manage, guide and communicate regularly with research teams in the field in order to respond swiftly to partner demands for research into ever-changing conditions at all levels.

Solution-centric approach

Our approach is first and foremost solution-centric. The FRC is committed to delivering recommendations that can be ‘operationalized’ to optimum effect. This solution-centric approach differs from other providers of research, who seek to deliver data rather than analyzing and understanding the circumstances under which a partner can achieve its objectives.

Rigorous OPSEC standards

All aspects of research and analysis are designed to be discrete and non-attributable. The security of the partner and the project team as well as all project data is never compromised. Suitable grey program and OPSEC protocols are followed at all times. Regular risk identification and mitigation procedures are active throughout the lifetime of every project.

Quality assurance

The FRC operates stringent quality assurance monitoring to ensure high quality data output. Quality assurance protocols are utilized at all stages of the project cycle to include, for example, instrument design, pilot testing, reverse translation, comprehensive researcher training, Research Team Leaders supervision and oversight, random monitoring of research interactions, restricted field data entry sheets, and thorough data cleaning prior to analysis.

Speedy and efficient feedback process between partner and field

The FRC guarantees accurate and relevant data by ensuring that the feedback loop between field operatives, analysis teams and the partner is as robust and tight as possible. As results emerge, the FRC Project Team always adapts to address any shortfalls or further requirements so that partner objectives can be met as fully as possible.

2016 FRC , Developed By : Innovation Square Pvt. Ltd