Does military courts as a preferred policy provide a potential solution to terrorism issues in Pakistan? The way a problem is defined shapes the search for available solutions. Any in... Read more
The post 2014 Afghanistan will not be the same as it was during the Taliban uprising in the 90s. Despite showing their presence through frequent attacks on US and NATO forces Taliban... Read more
The current debate about solution to militancy in FATA revolves around two extremes; peace talks or military operation. However, looking into militancy trends within different agencie... Read more
In today’s world, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) is often cited as a region rife with militants, and as such the area is seen as a center... Read more
Mainstreaming FATA
The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan have been the centre of attention for many years. The region is considered volatile and a source of armed unrest having global cons... Read more