FRC organized a special guest lecture on ‘Kurram Agency: Nature and Causes of Conflict’ to explore and get an insight into the persisting situation and the triggering factors of militancy in the agency. It was an open discussion leaded by the guest speakers followed by questions and
answers session and an open-floor discussion.
FATA Research Center is committed to flourish the discourse on the issues of peace and development and initiated a series of seminars while hosting special lectures and discussions on various topics pertaining to Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan. FRC organizes such discourse either on the whole picture of FATA or on specific issues related to a particular agency or frontier region (FR). To make the discussions critical, meaningful and exhaustively suggestive, the relevant stakeholders are invited to such seminars and lectures. Thus inviting a vast range of participants like academicians, researchers, politicians, policy makers, community representatives, members of civil society, media personnel and/or students, FRC hosts realistic as well conflicting and novel ideas to portray the real pictures of socio-politico-economic and security issues of FATA. The present discussion to explore the nature and causes of conflict in Kurram Agency was the part of such discourses organized by FRC.