The Pakistan Biannual Security Report reviews recent trends of conflict in Pakistan such as the number and type of militant attacks, tactics andstrategies used by the militants and the resultant casualties.The objective of this security report is to outline and categorize all forms of violent
extremism,role of militant groups and the scale of militant activities in the area.This report is built upon regular monitoring of militant and counter-militant activities,using primary and secondary sources of data.The Centre collects data from the field through its field of researchers working in all the five provinces of Pakistan and FATA,and also consults reliable secondary sources to ensure the quality and veracity of itsresearch.However,it also faces certain limitationssince certain areas are undergoing counter-insurgency operations and impositions of urfew.Militant and counter-militant attacks sometimes restrict the mobility of our field staff.Thus, the number of actual occurrences of violentactivities may be greater than those being reported here.
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